10 Reasons to Love Buenos Aires

This city has a little bit of everything.
by | February 16, 2017

When it comes to visiting cities in South America, we really are spoiled for choice. We have cities with beaches that never sleep in Brazil, cities higher than the clouds in Ecuador, and cities with a turbulent and recent past in Colombia. What is great about that is there is so much diversity in each one. Needless to say, we all have our own favorites to visit, as a traveler that is our right. We are all different and like different things.

One city in South America has a bit of everything a city should have. If you don’t rely on beaches for a good time, and prefer a city for a city, its core elements of history, transport, food, nightlife and variety, then we have one that you may want to check out. Arguably, South America’s favorite city, is in Argentina and none other than Buenos Aires.

A fascinating city with a perfect blend of historic architecture and a modern vibe, Buenos Aires has everything (apart from the beach). Here are why.

Steak, Steak, Steak

Meat eaters rejoice, as steak is the #1 meal here. Not only any steak, it’s seriously the most yummiest and delicious steak in the world. Before you think it’ll cost a small fortune for some of this mouth-watering beef, perhaps like in the U.S.A or Australia. Oh no, you can pick up a great steak meal for around USD20. In the steak world, that is cheap!

Red Wine

Buenos Aires pretty much does everything well. So if the steaks good, you can bet your life the red wine is good. I mean, steak and red wine go together like Sisig and Red Horse beer! While its neighbor Chile produces some of the world’s best red wine, Argentina does this well, too. You’ll find the best red wine in Argentina in a place called Mendoza, but Buenos Aires will be the city that’s selling a large proportion of that.


It seems that everywhere you go in Buenos Aires tango dancing is on show. Whether you visit the famous Café Tortoni or wander through colorful La Boca, you’ll often see smartly dressed tango dancers elegantly enjoying their work for your pleasure. If you want, give it a try and get dancing!

Football Madness

When it comes to football rivalries there are many we can think of in the world. Manchester Utd vs Liverpool, Inter vs AC, Real vs Barcelona, and Rangers vs Celtic — they are all fierce. However, Boca Juniors vs River Plate gets so intense, so passionate, there have been times when all too ardent fans were banned from the stadiums. Buenos Aires is football-mad with the locals. Play football with the locals in the park or courtyards, but everyone has a team and it’s their second religion!

Stunning Architecture

If you head to Plaza de Mayor, or Casa Rosada or Teatro Colon or La Recoleta Cemetary — the list goes on! Warped with typical European architecture, Buenos Aires has that cultural kick that you’ll want. Think when you visit Europe, all that history, well BA gives you a snippet of that.

Buzzing Nightlife

You may think you go hard when it comes to nightlife. That maybe true, but in Buenos Aires, these guys are the maestros. They go out late and party until the afternoon. Seriously, head out at 1 to 3 a.m. and get into the swing of things as the sun comes up. Socializing is a top priority in Buenos Aires so head to some of the most prominent clubs such as Pacha, Kika, Jet or Niceto.

Many Districts

That brings us nicely into the districts of Buenos Aires. There are many and all have their own flavor. San Telmo is a favorite, especially for travelers. Old fashioned, impressive and lively, you’ll find much to what you’re looking for when visiting Buenos Aires. Palermo has many subdivision districts including Viejo (old) and Hollywood. The former is perfect if you want to check out cafes, antique buildings and some history. The latter is defined by its nightlife, hence the name. Other districts are pleasant to live and walk around such as Belgrano and Villa Crespo and where La Boca is a tourist hot spot, the local side can be a little edgy to say the least.


Worldly vibe, efficient transport, great food, unique characters, proud heritage, modern lifestyle and a clean, safe city than the rest of Argentina, Buenos Aires has everything you want. If you were going to live anywhere in South America, and don’t mind city life, Buenos Aires would be one of the top choices to consider. There is always something happening in BA.

Fashion and Trends

People in Buenos Aires are cool, good looking and suave. Guys and girls, they run their own styles. You look around, and you see neatly dressed people, healthy people with their own focus, their own style that makes Buenos Aires a city everyone can blend into.

Artsy Street Scene

Sundays might be ideal for sleeping for many, but in Buenos Aires, on a summer’s day, head down to San Telmo’s Sunday markets. The stalls go on for blocks and blocks, with arts, crafts, street food, live music, asado BBQs and antique stores all coming to life. Grab a beer, walk and take it all in whilst the jazz music plays in the background. A weekly event, to many of us it would be suitable to be a yearly festival event.

Want to see Buenos Aires? Tell us about your itinerary!

Tommy Walker originates from Northeast England. He began his journey on the road back in 2012 throughout Asia, Oceania and Latin America. Now, over 4 years in, he is a freelance travel writer and content marketing specialist. Tommy has visited the Philippines twice and especially raves about Banaue. He has attended Sinulog festival, swum with Whalesharks and even DJ’d in Boracay! He was featured in the Business Insider, BBC and Choose Philippines. Tommy goes by his own motto “every new place is a good place.” If you don’t see Tommy focused doing Hot Yoga, trailing through rainforests, ducking into the ocean or eating local street food, you’ll see him at a small bar drinking what the locals drink!

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