5 Reasons Why You Should Join the First Ever Capiz Triathlon Race

It's adventure and history in one race.
by | March 20, 2017

Athletes who love to travel would attest to the different kind of thrill each time one joins a triathlon race set in a different place. Hardcore sports junkies who are always in search of adrenaline filled races to join, better consider signing up for the Capiz Triathlon Race — which will be held on April 22 and 23, 2017.

Also coinciding with the annual CAPIZTAHAN, this triathlon meet dubbed as TRIAKSYON 2017, is expected to attract not only triathletes from the Philippines, but also those from other countries.

Still not sold on why you should join the TRIAKSYON 2017? Here are five reasons why:

It’s the 1st International Triathlon to be held in Capiz

Priming up on becoming one of the premier adventure hub in the country courtesy of a well-gifted natural topography consisting of rolling mountains, verdant countryside, surrounding seas and a flourishing tourism industry, the province of Capiz plans to make this triathlon race an annual event. What better way than to have the achievement of participating in the first ever International Triathlon to be held in the province of Capiz.

Run and Discover Century-Old Heritage Landmarks along the Way

Organizers have designed a running course that will take participants to pass by four historical landmarks: the Immaculate Conception Cathedral, the Provincial Capitol Building, the City Hall of Roxas City, the City Fountain which will mark the starting point, and the Capiz Bridge. Experiencing a competitive adventure race while discovering these century old landmarks at the same time should give participants an added delight.

Pedal your Way through the Scenic Countryside of Capiz

Aside from the aforementioned heritage sites within Roxas City, the race will also bring participants through the scenic countryside of Capiz and into other significant sites such as: the historical Church of Panay, which houses the biggest Catholic Church bell in Asia, Baybay Beach, Villareal Stadium and Pueblo de Panay, where a 500-hectare multi-zoned township development in Roxas City will soon rise.

Swim in the Waters of Baybay Beach in Capiz

Ever wonder why Roxas City is known as the seafood capital of the Philippines? It’s because of the bountiful waters off the Baybay shore. This long stretch of beach is home to an abundant number of marine species and by joining the triathlon, one can swim in one of the healthiest bodies of water in the country. This swimming course definitely adds a different layer of adventure to an already filled TRIAKSYON 2017.

Experience Adventure courtesy of the 54 KM bike course, the 12 km run course and the 1.5 km swim course

If you add all the TRIAKSYON 2017 race courses along with other factors like the; historical and picturesque setting which Capiz province provides, the race just doubles — if not quadruples the sheer amount of thrills and challenges that awaits the participants.

For more information please see the photo below:

Maps and event photos courtesy of Capiz Thriatlon organizers

Marky Ramone Go is a travel-junkie, writer and photographer based in the Philippines. Aside from contributing articles to various publications and websites, he narrates his experiences wandering the tropical paradise of the Philippines, the culturally rich regions of South East Asia, Sri Lanka and India on his travel blog Nomadic Experiences. After Asia, he is keen on exploring South America and eventually hoping to trace Jack Kerouac's "On the Road" trail in the United States to Mexico.

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