Which Country in SEA Stands Out as the Expat’s Favorite?

67 percent of those who voted for this country say their quality of living improved since moving.
by | June 20, 2017

Southeast Asia attracts many expatriates for a number of factors: it’s where they get paid the highest globally, receive greater disposable income, and are exposed to a unique culture that makes the experience even more fulfilling.

Singapore in particular rises as the top choice among all countries ranked by expats in HSBC’s annual Expat Explorer survey for the second year in 2016.

Surveyed expats (a total of 26,871) cite a number of reasons that make Singapore the most favorable place to be in: 62 percent claim their salaries increased since moving in, 58 percent believe it to be a great place to start a business, and 67 percent say their quality of living improved.

Career-wise, Singapore is one of the top three recommended countries to move to for quick advancement because of its business friendly environment. It’s where you can find big corporate names everywhere while still being a hassle-free city for entrepreneurs to put up their own venture. And these “expat-preneurs” are provided with excellent tax benefits, especially those with new start-ups.

It’s also almost purely English-speaking, a convenient location to access other Asian countries, provides quality public service to its citizens, and is one of the safest places in the world to live in.

There are plenty of choices for residence too, ranging from government owned flats to privately owned condo units. However, living expenses remain to be the most costly here than anywhere else, but according to some expats interviewed by The Sunday Times claim that going “local” (i.e. eating at hawker centers, using public transportation) helps make residing in Singapore more affordable.

Have you ever worked and lived in Singapore? Share with us your first-hand experience below!

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