Nas Daily Completes His 1,000-Day Journey of Traveling the World

Nas all folks.
by | January 11, 2019

All good things eventually come to an end. Popular Facebook travel vlogger known as Nas Daily posted his last video marking the end of a 1,000-day journey around the world that started in 2016.

my journey is over.

Our journey is over.

It’s been an honor showing up on your feed every day. This isn’t goodbye. This is see you later. I’ll be back with more videos. But not everyday and not 1 minute.

For now, Chapter 1 is over. I’ll miss you.

I’ll still be making short videos on Instagram @nasdaily if you care.
and i’ll be around @Nas Daily Global

Posted by Nas Daily on Saturday, January 5, 2019

The video evoked emotions as Nuseir Yassin, the man behind and in front of the camera, thanked his audience for joining him virtually, helping him achieve his dreams, and grow to become a man through his journey.

Nuseir Yassin grew up to a middle-class family in Arraba, a small agricultural town in northern Israel. His parents instilled in him the value of good education and hard work and this inspired him to set his sights on Ivy League colleges in the US. When the time came, he applied for Harvard, got in, and graduated with a degree in Economics. He rose through the ranks of tech industry and landed himself a job that paid well over $100,000 a year.

But he got tired of the routine and though his job paid well, he had the strongest urge and calling to travel around the world. And so he did. Thus, Nas Daily was born.

He quit his job and in 2016 Yassin started a Facebook page with his moniker “Nas” which meant “people” in Arabic. He pledged to travel the world for 1,000 days and document his adventures through 1-minute videos every single day. In the process, he’s shown us a different kind of beauty through the locals he encounters, people he meets, and the breathtaking countries he documents.

We Filipinos know and love him, after all, he put our country on top of his list of best countries to visit and after visiting a lot of countries, that’s saying something.


If this video doesn’t make you want to visit the Philippines, then I quit.

Almost every video I saw about the Philippines was about the islands. That’s too shallow and easy. So I wanted to visit this country to make the best video on this country, and I think this is it.

You won’t see pretty girls on beaches in this video. You will see the real Philippines that I so fell in love with.
To show you how generous people are, I lived on $0.00 for a day.
To show you how cheap the place can be, we threw a party for an entire village.
To shed more light on poverty, we bought a 1,000 burgers to feed people.

This is my best video to date made in my favorite country to date. I hope you enjoy watching like I enjoyed making.

LIKE Nas Daily on Facebook please 🙂
@NasDaily on Instagram too!!

Posted by Nas Daily on Tuesday, March 7, 2017


But what’s next for him? We probably won’t hear “That’s one minute, see you tomorrow!” in a long time but Yassin has a lot planned for his next adventures.

In his Instagram post, he captioned “Stay tuned, because the next chapter of Nas Daily is going to be bigger and better.” He says he’s still going to post short videos on his Instagram page but not on a regular basis.

In an interview with Business Insider, Yassin states that he plans on employing a group of content producers to target several specific audiences. He is also open to writing a book about his travels or even going into local politics!

If there’s one thing Nas Daily has taught us is that nothing is ever impossible.

So if you find yourself stuck in a rut in your 9-to-5 job which you have a love/hate relationship with, why not dream big and try something new? After all, life is too short and every precious second counts.

Watch more of Nas Daily in his official Facebook Page here!

Kyzia spends most of her time capturing the world around her through photos, paragraphs, and playlists. She is constantly on the hunt for the perfect chocolate chip cookie, and a great paperback thriller to pair with it.

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