Palawan: The Beauty That Is

Palawan claims Travel and Leisure's top spot for most beautiful islands.
by | July 18, 2017

Travel and Leisure magazine released its annual list of the world’s top 10 islands and our very own Palawan stood out and claimed the top spot. Only three islands out of the ten are from Asia and to us, that feat is already worth the applause.

It’s no surprise how the renowned island got the top spot, as the island’s remarkable beauty captured the hearts of locals as well as tourists. The island also put its stamp on pop culture when it made a cameo in the Hollywood film The Bourne Legacy as well as the island’s top destination, El Nido, being the inspiration of the author of The Beach (which was adapted into the big screen starring Leonardo DiCaprio). With an island full of sights and attractions, Palawan sure is a must see destination.

Palawan offers a calming realm all throughout its shores and landscapes; with lush backdrops everywhere you would think that such place only exists in dreams. Palawan boasts an island full of adventure for tourists and wanderers alike.

With top publications taking notice of the island’s allure, it helps locals promote Palawan. But the most significant factor out of these accolades is this: it helps locals provide food for their families and at the same time motivates them to do better at their jobs knowing people appreciate them.

Palawan is a God-given gift and privilege that we should all take care of. Such plans to build a theme park within the island might tarnish the island’s true beauty. Let this serve as a reminder that Palawan doesn’t want to be the next victim of commercialization, maybe we should just let it be.

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