Team Juanton Wins this Year’s Juan for Fun Backpacking Challenge

The win comes with the prize of a lifetime.
by | August 21, 2017


This year’s Juan for Fun Backpacking Challenge saw Team Juanton of Davao clinching the top spot, beating out four other competing teams to win the prize of a lifetime. The annual competition hosted by Cebu Pacific saw teams from around the country play tour guides for their fellow travel-hungry millennials.

Team Juanton, which consists of graduating students Geia Mendoza, Christian Dominic Ang, and Chyn Crisostomo, chose to travel Dumaguete and Siquijor, one of the more unique choices from this year’s designated places. Other teams who vied for the top spot were Team Patsada of Cagayan de Oro (second place), Team Barbie of Metro Manila (third place), coaches’ choice Team Malackai of Baguio and Team Phun of Bacolod City (both tied for the fourth spot).

With travel coaches such as Sabrina Iovino of Just One Way Ticket, Ren Sapitan of Beautiful Destinations, Becoming Filipino’s Kyle Jennerman, famed YouTuber Wil Dasovich, and travel writer Jude Bacalso helping them out, all of the teams were able to showcase and maximize their talents in editing and storytelling.

Along the trip of a lifetime, each member of Team Juanton will take home a one year, travel-all-you-can pass both for domestic and international short-haul destinations. That’s access to 37 local destinations and more than 20 cities in over 15 countries. To top it all off, the prize also comes with PHP40,000 pocket money.

With the competition ending after a week-long journey for all participating teams, this year’s Juan for Fun experience was surely a great way to cap off Team Juanton’s fun-filled summer adventure!

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