How To Take Care of Your Skin When Traveling

Because skin care isn't a one-set-fits-all-places thing.
by | March 23, 2018

If you’ve traveled abroad at least once in your life, you’d know that your current skin care routine doesn’t work the same way in a different place. Your face may end up oilier or drier than before from the change in climate, sleep schedule, diet and more, and you don’t have the comfort of having all your bottles and tubes within reach.

Thankfully, there are ways to combat this. Just keep in mind the following:

Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize

Don’t underestimate the power of moisturizing. It will keep your skin soft, hydrated, and look refreshed throughout your trip.

Pro-tip: You can also freshen up by using facial mist sprays on your face before, during, or after your flight. Pack a mini Evian spray in your carry-on — they’re TSA-approved and will prove super handy throughout your trip!

Bring a bottle of water everywhere you go

Even if you apply liberal amounts of moisturizer on your face, it won’t do much if you don’t hydrate yourself from within. So don’t forget to bring your travel bottle with you!

Don’t skip the sunscreen

Sunscreen should always be part of your daily morning skincare routine no matter what the weather or season may be because it helps protect your face from the effects of UV rays. Remember to reapply every two to three hours!

Minimize your make-up look

You don’t need to put on such an elaborate look. Putting too much make-up on could even clog your pores. Opt for tinted moisturizers instead of your usual foundation, for example, and skip the highlight and bronzer.

Cleanser is your best friend

If you start breaking out during your trip, blame the dirt and pollutants from your surroundings! Having a cleanser will wipe out all that gunk off your face, guaranteed.

Pro-tip: Blotting paper is likewise helpful in wiping out the accumulated dirt on your T-Zone during the day. It will also keep your face from being too oily.

Ice your eyes

A quick solution to dark eyebags when traveling is to put ice in a towel and apply it under your eyes. This will automatically hydrate and freshen up your eyes, helping you look good in your post-flight selfies!

Do you have your own tips to share? Sound off in the comments below!

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