Things to do in Luang Prabang, Laos

Laos is hip.
by | September 11, 2018

Come sunset until midnight, the street fronting the Royal Palace becomes filled with market stalls selling interesting trinkets, local clothes, arts and fascinating souvenir items of all kinds. Aside from shopping, take the opportunity to also share a lovely conversation with the local vendors who will gleefully engage you with a lively talk. Who knows, they might also give you a good discount.

Feast on Sumptuous Laotian Food

Marky Ramone Go is a travel-junkie, writer and photographer based in the Philippines. Aside from contributing articles to various publications and websites, he narrates his experiences wandering the tropical paradise of the Philippines, the culturally rich regions of South East Asia, Sri Lanka and India on his travel blog Nomadic Experiences. After Asia, he is keen on exploring South America and eventually hoping to trace Jack Kerouac's "On the Road" trail in the United States to Mexico.

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