April 2015

[row] [whole buffer=0] [hide_this_text type="subheading"]8 Train Experiences to Cross Out Off Your Bucketlist[/hide_this_text] WANDERLUST. Tell me just how many eyes beamed upon reading that word? This manic love for travel can get quite out of control, isn’t it? Images of dreamy tropical islands,

[row] [whole buffer="0"] [article_carousel images="http://windowseat.ph/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Korean-Streetfood.jpg"] The pojangmacha isn't one of the most touristy topics you hear about Korea---Seoul, in particular. But it should be. While you can spend a bit (or a lot, really) of your cash in the nice restaurants the South

Take notes, backpackers!

[row] [whole buffer="0"] [article_carousel images="http://windowseat.ph/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/baguio-holiday.jpg"] [hide_this_text type="title"]Baguio Holiday Guide: 8 Ways To Avoid Everyone[/hide_this_text] Alfonso Cuaron once said: “What's the point of being an Australian guy traveling through India if you are going to go to India to meet other Australians?” Now change India