April 2015

How to Hanami.

Fun in Taiwan!

Tales from a hippie Thai town.

Anawangin beckons.

[article_carousel images="http://windowseat.ph/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/carousel1-weaving-water.png, http://windowseat.ph/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/carousel2-weaving-water.png, http://windowseat.ph/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/carousel31.jpg, http://windowseat.ph/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/carousel4-weaving-water.png"] In the T’boli language, the word for “water” and the word for “yes” are the same – el. For “water,” it is pronounced with a short E sound, the lips parted, mouth open, sound flowing outwards.

It will not be the same when I return, but it will be around, still brimming with life, possibly even larger than how it used to be.

Dust collecting, kung fu, etc.

Not pho.

Driving on the California Pacific Coast Highway.

On turbulence.

The methodical tap-tap-tapping of the sticks.

Finding brave in Baler.

Christmas and family.

[article_carousel images="http://windowseat.ph/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/trans-mongolianB.jpg, http://windowseat.ph/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/never-ending-joyrideB.jpg, http://windowseat.ph/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/paradise-fallsB.jpg"] This could very well be the ultimate train ride of my life. Thirty long hours on the Trans-Mongolian Railway, chugging away from Beijing, China to Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia. My eyes gloried in on unfamiliar barren lands,

You gotta go, go, go!

[article_carousel images="http://windowseat.ph/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Planned-trip.jpg, http://windowseat.ph/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Planned-tripB.jpg"] [row] [whole buffer="0"] [hide_this_text type="title"]8 Ways You Can Finally Push Through with That Trip You Planned Last Year[/hide_this_text] Was last year full of travel plans that got you extremely excited (you even posted a Facebook status about it already!) but, sadly,

[row] [whole buffer=0] [hide_this_text type="subheading"]Photos of 8 temples in Siem Reap (Angkor Wat and others)[/hide_this_text] [dropcap letter="I"] have always wanted to visit the temple of Angkor Wat. Little did I know that aside from Angkor Wat, there are more than 24 other temples

[row] [whole buffer="0"] [hide_this_text type="title"]8 Reasons to (Work Hard, Save Up and) Go to Israel[/hide_this_text] As a Catholic, the Holy Land was a destination high up on my bucket list, I wanted to see it at least once in this lifetime. I knew

  My husband Romy Dorotan and I have been running Purple Yam restaurant in Brooklyn these past few years but I've been going back and forth to the Philippines to research and explore regional food items and tracking down handed-down recipes

[row] [whole buffer=0] [hide_this_text type="subheading"]The Dumaguete Food Scene: Conquer It Like a Pro[/hide_this_text] [dropcap letter="W"]hen I first transferred to Dumaguete, some friends, by way of welcoming me to the City of Gentle People, introduced me to one of the best things and must-dos

[row] [whole buffer=0] [hide_this_text type="subheading"]Obscure White Sand Beaches You Should Check Out This Summer[/hide_this_text] If party-beaching/beach-partying ain't your thing, our friend Estan Cabigas over at Langyaw.com made a list of quiet and far away white sand beaches complete with photos and descriptions. Here