48 Hours in Kuala Lumpur

We heart KL.
by | September 13, 2018

Melaka is a nice whole day trip alternative from Kuala Lumpur. A section of the former is a UNESCO Heritage-listed. You’ll see remnants of its colonial past when you visit the churches and the buildings surrounding it; these distinctly red structures are also picturesque. The houses, guesthouses and restaurants with wall art lining the river showcase the locals’ creativity. Melaka is also a famous foodie destination; don’t leave without trying satay celup, chicken rice balls, cendol and the Peranakan/Nyonya dishes. Take note that it takes around three hours each way to get here from Kuala Lumpur.


*This itinerary assumes you have two full days and will start your trip in the morning.


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Joshua Berida is a writer by profession and traveler by passion. He writes and posts about his adventures on TheWanderingJuan.net. He likes the outdoors and prefers mountains and hiking to beach bumming, but he wouldn't mind lazing on a white sand beach and swimming in its clear, blue waters.

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