Here’s How the East Coast of the US Is Making the Most out of the #Blizzard2016

No amount of snow can stop them!
by | January 25, 2016

Winter Storm Jonas, or more popularly known as #Blizzard2016, hit the East Coast pretty badly. Just in the span of three days, at least 20 inches of snow fell and almost 10,000 flights were cancelled. Power outages, blocked and icy roads and accidents were everywhere. But amidst all the really bad stuff happening, for these guys, a massive blizzard and a lot of free time are all they need to make the most of the cold.

Here are a few moments from the #Blizzard2016 that will make you hope it snowed in the Philippines.

NY Post’s cold burn

Pure cold-blooded move, NYP.

The South Carolina snowman


The best use for snow

What power outage?

Snowboarding in New York


The Snow Challenge


Some people decided that diving into the freezing snow naked was a good idea (and it looks like it is).

He dove right in. 😳😩😂 @jalen2143 #SnowStorm #SnowChallange #Blizzard2016 #WSHH

A video posted by WorldStarHipHop (@worldstar) on

Death by snow

Dementor, dementor!



Ngraaaaahcold Ngraaaah!!

An extra colder walk of shame

At least her night was warm.

This guy

Whatever he is, he’s the best.

Animals enjoying the snow

Just look at these cuties enjoying the cold!

More Animals!

#HORSES #snow #blizzard2016

A video posted by Ken Cresswell (@polodude) on


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Abu travels for the sake of getting out of the polluted and murky place that is Metro Manila. No matter where she is or where she will be, she savors every moment of her travels. She's also one of those people who suddenly and uncontrollably shouts, "HUWAH, THIS PLACE IS AMAZEBALLS!"

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