5 Simple (Non-Gambling) Joys to be Had in Macau

Yes, there are other things to do in Macau.
by | July 20, 2015


If you’ve never been to Macau, you probably have heard that there’s very little to look forward to in the entire place if you have no interest in games of chance. You would be very much mistaken. In ascending order of expense, here are 5 simple joys you can enjoy for yourself in Macau.

1. Be unintentionally flattered by the Casino guards!

As anyone would know, Macau is rather strict about not letting anyone under the age of 21 inside their casinos. Normally, this would mean that they will request you to present your passport to them, so they can determine your age. One of the simplest joys in life is for someone to be well over 21 years old, yet still being asked for an ID to prove that they are indeed of legal age.

Sometimes, one wonders if the Casino guards do this on purpose to make people feel better about themselves.

Cost: MOP0

2. The Grand Prix Museum

Experience a museum like nothing else when you go to the Grand Prix Museum in Macau. For anyone who has ever had a love affair with cars and speed, this is the place to go to, especially if you can’t quite afford actually going to the Grand Prix itself.

Cost: MOP0

3. Enjoy History in Senado Square

Given the rich history of Macau as a former Portuguese colony, you will be treated to some very interesting sights if you ever decide to go sight-seeing, and Senado Square is probably your best bet. Experience an interesting amalgam between the old, the new, the East, and the West! Senado Square is like a time portal in the middle of Macau.

Cost: Variable, but certainly low, if you use public transportation.

4. Channel Venice

You don’t need to go to the drowning city of Venice to experience a Gondola ride! Just make your way to the Venetian in Macau, and you get to enjoy a quiet gondola ride for yourself. Serenaders sold separately. Well, no, not really. I doubt there are any of those around.

Cost: MOP512 for a private Gondola

5.Bungee Jump!


Probably the most expensive thing to do on this list, the famous Macau Tower is a world attraction for being the highest commercial bungee jumping spot in the world, at 233 meters. It was also the tourist attraction Mace Castillo was dreaming about in “That Thing Called Tadhana,” in case you’ve forgotten. Once you’ve checked off going to Baguio and then Sagada, the next logical step before heading off to Rome would be to swing by Macau Tower first, in case you ever wanted to live out your “Tadhana” fantasies.

Cost: MOP3,088


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