Experiencing True Liberation at Bunyadi: London’s First Nude Restaurant

Would you dine in the nude?
by | May 12, 2016

Yes, you read it right. This June, a new fine dining concept arrives in London—one where people can enjoy their meals in all their naked glory. London restaurateur Seb Lyall, known for his innovative dining concepts, is set to put up a restaurant inspired by his naked breakfast ritual. “It’s my home and my space, and that’s kind of the space we’re trying to create in the restaurant — our own little space. It will be fascinating what the response is,” he said.

The space he’s talking about will be called The Bunyadi, a clothing-optional, pop-up restaurant scheduled to open its doors in June. But before you book your flights to London, here’s some things you need to know about the city’s first nude restaurant.

8. It’s part of the concept, promise

The Bunyadi, according to the restaurant, comes from a Hindi term meaning “fundamental.” It’s not just a restaurant with a publicity stunt; the whole concept is an all-natural, back-to-basics dining experience sans any trappings of the modern and artificial life—technology, chemicals and apparently, clothing. Lyall calls his Luddite-inspired dream “true liberation,” where he maintains that consuming food in public naked is “an act of rebellion.”

“When you get a chance, you take your clothes off,” he said. “When you get in bed, you take your clothes off. When you go to the beach or a sauna, you take your clothes off. It’s natural. There is a whole business of victimizing people based on body image, but we are making a business out of correcting it.”

The concept comes from Lollipop, a company behind several other unconventional dining experiences, including ABQ, a Breaking Bad-themed cocktail bar that invites guests to manufacture their own drinks in an RV using raw ingredients.


7. It’s not completely nude

But don’t worry. You don’t have to be naked just to eat at The Bunyadi—it’s not like making a reservation is a promise to strip down. Two sections are planned: one for the clothed and another for the “naked & pure.” It’s up to the diner if they want to be “impure” and not experience the very essence of the concept, but should you choose the latter, you can expect to be escorted to a changing room where you’ll be given robes (that you can keep, of course, because ew!). There’s no need to worry about your nether regions touching places where others have gone—everyone is required to sit on their robes.


6. It includes the staff

The cooks are fully clothed in the kitchen for sanitary and safety reasons. But the waiters? Well, minimal parts are covered to be hygienic, and so as not to be confused with what’s on the menu and what’s not. 😉


5. It’s not for pervs

Since modern things are not allowed, give up the hopes of uploading #foodporn photos, among other ones you plan to take, on your Instagram. Photography is strictly prohibited.

If you plan to eat at The Buryandi just to do some sightseeing, be advised that each table will be fenced with bamboo walls and well-lit with candles so you can only see the silhouettes of other diners. Just keep your hands to yourself and you’ll avoid all trouble and awkwardness. The second you start acting creepy, the staff can exercise their right to escort you out.


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