Pinoy Travel: How to Get a Japanese Visa

As easy as 1, 2, 3, 4.
by | March 18, 2016

Fujiyoshida and Mount Fuji. Japan

How does a summer in Japan sound? If you’re going to answer impossible, think again. The Internet breaks with travel promos on the regular. Plus, the application process for a Japanese visa is a breeze. Just follow these four simple steps, and you’ll be on your way to beautiful Japan in no time.

1. Decide what type of visa you need.

There are seven types of Japanese visas: 1) for tourism, 2) for visiting relatives, 3) for those invited by US Military personnel, 4) for commercial purposes, 5) for attending an event by a local organization, 6) multiple entry, and finally 7) for a spouse of a Japanese national. Check this out for a detailed explanation of each.

If you plan on going to Japan more than once, don’t be scared to go for the Multiple-Entry Temporary Visitor Visa. It’s easier than you think. The Japanese Government decided to relax the application process because of ASEAN-Japan Friendship and Cooperation.

As long as you’re financially capable and you follow the process, you’re likely to get a Multiple-Entry Temporary Visitor Visa. With this type of visa, you’ll be allowed to stay for 15 to 30 days, and it will be valid for a maximum of 5 years.


2. Get in touch with an accredited agency.

Unless your case falls under the Japanese Embassy’s exceptions, you have to apply for a visa through an accredited agency. Read #2 of this link for the exceptions to this rule.  If your case doesn’t fall under any of the seven exceptions, then you have to apply through an accredited agency. Pick from this list.

3. Complete the required documents.

There are five basic requirements for the Japanese visa application. Here’s a checklist:

    • Philippine Passport – It must have at least two blank pages, and the photo must be in good condition.
    • Accomplished Visa Application Form – Download it here.
    • Recent ID Photo – It must be 4.5cm x 4.5cm with white background and pasted on your application.
    • NSO Birth Certificate
    • NSO Marriage Certificate – Of course, this is only required if you’re married.

Keep in mind that there will be added requirements depending on what type of visa you’re applying for. Ask your chosen agency what other requirements you’ll need, or click the type of visa you’re applying for here.

4. Submit your requirements to your travel agency.

The waiting game begins after you submit your requirements. Don’t worry; visa processing is normally 3 days to a week only. You can have your passport with the Japanese visa mailed to you, or you can claim it at your agency’s office.

As for the cost, a Japanese visa is free. However, you need to pay your travel agency a processing fee, which is around PHP 950.


There! All done! All you have to do now is start planning.

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