Why You Should Visit Mahabalipuram in South India

Experience the sights, sounds and spices of this southern gem.
by | November 10, 2017

A trip to Mahabalipuram embodies relaxation. You can take long walks along Bengal Bay or go horseback riding. While the water is too harsh to swim in, it’s beautiful all the same, and a great location to catch the sunset. Its tranquil temples from a glorious period in Indian history. There are other great Pallava monuments here too, like the Arjuna’s Penance, a huge, intricately carved stone monument; the Pancha Rathas, and five “chariot” monuments.

Seeing all the majestic, historical structures Mahabalipuram has to offer will leave you in awe of their grandeur and of the craftsmanship of its ancient people. You can relax, knowing in the face of these enduring monuments, that whatever problems you are facing will pass.

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