Cheap Eats: Swee Choon Dim Sum

No trip to Singapore is complete without at least one (drunken) pig out session at Swee Choon.
by | February 17, 2016

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No trip to Singapore is complete without at least one (drunken) pig out session at Swee Choon. Step in with an average (or even nonexistent) appreciation for dim sum, and step out with a whole new yearning for dim sum feasts.

Unfortunately, that desire is something only few (if not just one) can satisfy.


For over 40 years now, this humble, straight-up eatery has been the go-to place for dim sum cravings. What started out as a small shop-house has transformed into a connection of four shop-houses, gathering long lines and even serving food in their back alley.


At Swee Choon, all walks of life merge for the love of delicious and affordable food. From families with babies to drunk groups of friends, Swee Choon caters to all sorts of hungry bellies. After all, they’re impressively open from 6am to 6pm.

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Make sure your first Swee Choon visit is with a bunch of fellow dim sum-lovers, so you can order tons of different dishes. With their extensive selection of Hong Kong and Shanghai dim sum, get ready to find new favorites and to rediscover well-executed classics. For the latter, enjoy familiar dishes like Shanghai Xiao Long Bao, Har Kow and Char Siew Pau.

As for the former, you definitely won’t regret trying the Swee Choon Mee Suah Kueh or carrot cake covered in crispy mee suah, and the Salted Egg Yolk Custard Bun or soft pau filled with sweet-salty and creamy egg yolk filling. For other signature dishes to try on your first time, check this out.


Drooling yet? Include Swee Choon Dim Sum in your next Singapore itinerary, whether it’s for a big lunch, an after-party feast, or both. The largest of appetites will surely be happy even with a tight budget. SGD 10 will already give you a scrumptious banquet, fit for ravenous royalty. The ambiance and interiors won’t be grand, but the value and taste of the food will definitely cloud your memories with pleasant burps from your stuffed belly.


Swee Choon is located at 183/185/187/198/191 Jalan Besar, 208882, Singapore. They’re open everyday except Tuesdays from 6pm to 6am. Visit their website for more information.

How about you? Pigged out at Swee Choon before? Share your favorites (with photos, please) by commenting below!

Shen Mascariñas travels mainly for the unique food each destination offers and for the "I'm on vacation" free pass to pig out.

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