7 Ridiculous Easter Traditions You Wouldn’t Believe Exist

Some even involve — erm, whipping and hurling.
by | April 14, 2017

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5. Kite flying – Bermuda

So what’s ridiculous about flying kites during the holy season of Easter? Nothing, really. But considering how crazy the other customs on this list are, the normal-ness of Bermuda’s awe-inspiring tradition makes it stand out.

Each year, on Good Friday, Bermudians flock to Horseshoe Bay Beach for a grand kite festival. Families and friends would fly kites of various shapes and sizes made with stripped bamboo sticks and colorful tissue paper to celebrate Jesus Christ’s resurrection and to depict His ascent back to heaven. Legend has it that this practice started when a teacher flew a kite imprinted with Jesus’ image to help him explain the story of ascension to Sunday school students.

After a long day of fun and feasting on local favorites like the Bermuda codfish breakfast and cod, awards are handed out to participants who beat others in the festival’s contest categories, such as Best Traditional Bermuda Kite, Biggest Kite, and Longest Tail, to name a few.


6. Smashing Pots – Greece

Heads up! The week of Easter in Corfu, Greece is highlighted by the hurling of clay pots (sometimes filled with water) from windows and balconies to crash noisily on the streets below.

A custom that originated from 16th-century Venetians (who would throw old, useless items from their windows in the hopes of receiving new ones in the coming year), the smashing of pots symbolizes the triumph of Jesus’ resurrection over death. The crashing noise is also believed to wake up Persephone, the goddess of spring.

The pot-hurling and smashing ceremony takes place at exactly 11 o’clock in the morning of Holy Saturday. Red banners are also hung on windows and balconies to proclaim the season of joy.


7. The little witches – Finland

Clad in witch costumes with fake freckles sprinkled on their cheeks, children, particularly girls, will roam around the streets on the Sunday before Easter and go door-to-door in the neighborhood to solicit sweets like chocolate eggs or some loose change.

This Finnish tradition, reminiscent of trick-or-treating on Halloween, isn’t all about scoring free candies, though. In exchange of the treats they receive, the children will then hand out willow twigs decorated with colorful feathers or crepe paper to the generous givers. These twigs serve as “blessings” that help ward off evil spirits.

How do you celebrate Easter? Tell us in the comments!

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Andy Flores is a pathological penny pincher with impulse shopping and binge-eating tendencies. She’s constantly saving up for new adventures, so she dabbles in writing jobs here and there. Her not-so-secret dream is to be an extra in a big Bollywood movie.

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