8 Travel Trends We Can Expect To See In 2021

This year, you might be able to finally give in to your wanderlust.
by | December 30, 2020

Travel is not dead.

The COVID-19 pandemic may have spoiled countless trips and dream vacations this year, but the travel industry is slowly but surely recovering after taking a damaging hit. Borders are reopening. Hotels and various attractions are operating at a reduced capacity with stringent safety precautions in place. And, new airport fashion statements have even been made—bunny suits, anyone?

Despite all the uncertainties that still cloud the future of travel, 2021 will definitely be a momentous year for travel-loving folks, with new trends emerging in an effort to revive the economy all the while satisfying the people’s natural inclination to travel, as they try to responsibly embrace the new normal.

Here, we list down eight travel trends we can expect to see in the coming year:


Big on local

Considering how international travel restrictions are constantly changing, things are looking up for domestic travel as people turn to local destinations for quick getaways to escape the mundane brought about by the lengthy quarantine period.

In the Philippines, top tourist destinations such as Boracay, Palawan, and Baguio have recently opened up, welcoming local tourists who’ve undergone a thorough health screening, which includes COVID-19 testing.


More travel bubbles

“Travel bubble” is not just a buzzword anymore. It seems to be the future of travel—for now, that is.

So, what is a travel bubble? Simply put, it’s an agreement between two or more places to open their borders to each other after weighing the benefits and risks during the current situation. And we’ll most likely be seeing more of this in the coming months into 2021.

At a local scale, prior to the general reopening of the City of Pines, Region I—which covers Pangasinan, La Union, Ilocos Sur, and Ilocos Norte—had a short-lived travel bubble with Baguio City, allowing its residents to travel within the region as long as they present the documents required for safe travel.


Health Requirements

This is already being implemented and it won’t be going anywhere anytime soon. Testing before traveling has been an integral part of curbing the spread of infection among travelers, especially to those who are traveling by air. And once a COVID-19 vaccine’s finally and widely available to the general public, a certification of vaccination might, too, become part of the usual travel requirements. In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) is looking into the possibility of issuing e-vaccination certificates for travel.


Wellness Retreats


In the travel arena today, health and wellness are of paramount interest, and distant retreats are taking the benefit from this. From spas to remote resorts, these “healing” destinations may top the list of health-conscious people capable of traveling.


Outdoor Experiences


After spending pretty much an entire year indoors, people are craving a change of scenery, and exploring the great outdoors might just be the answer for some. Activities like hiking, trekking, and camping (or glamping) also make for the perfect socially-distant experiences one can take today.

Find unique glamping spots you can book here!



A budget-friendly travel option, staycations offer a much-needed (and well-deserved) escape that’s close to home and is complete with creature comforts. Airbnb stays and hotels are usually the top-of-mind options for staycationers who are burning with cabin fever in their homes.



More Virtual Tours

From office work to school, almost everything has been migrated online, so why not trips?

Over the lockdowns, virtual tours and experiences became the closest thing everyone had to travel, and with the virus seemingly here to stay, more destinations and tourism-driving events are looking into offering more or improving their existing virtual experiences for next year.

Check out these virtual tours you can take in the comfort of your home!


Flexible Booking Packages


For airlines, hotels, and tourist attractions, flexible booking packages will seal the deal. Given the ever-changing travel climate, having the option to adjust trips anytime and anywhere is an advantage travelers will definitely take.



How about you—what are your travel trend predictions for 2021?

Andy Flores is a pathological penny pincher with impulse shopping and binge-eating tendencies. She’s constantly saving up for new adventures, so she dabbles in writing jobs here and there. Her not-so-secret dream is to be an extra in a big Bollywood movie.


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