24 Hours in Jakarta

Getting to know Indonesia's capital.
by | August 30, 2019

For dinner, try the unique dining experience of sampling Padang Cuisine, famous for its rich dishes cooked in coconut milk and heavy spices. The charm of Padang cuisine lies not only in its range of dishes but also in its serving style.


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Padang food is served as a large number of small platters bearing different types of dishes and it’s common to eat with one’s hand. Diners are just charged for the plates that have been eaten from, while untouched plates are taken away and served to other guests.
While there’s so much more you can do in Jakarta, for those who don’t have a lot of time to spare, hopefully these activities will give you a taste of what the Indonesian capital has to offer.


Got more time to spare in Jakarta? What are your top recommended spots to visit? Share your tips below in the comments section.

Kara Santos is a freelance writer and photographer. When not on the road or motorcycling off somewhere for the weekend, she’s leveling up her experience points in the latest PlayStation RPG. Read about her real-life and virtual adventures on her blog Travel Up.

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