7 Types of Trips Every Girl Needs to Do At least once in Her Life

Here’s a bunch of ideas to add to your bucket list!
by | July 21, 2016


Most girls are constantly looking for an adventure – to get away from daily routines, to unwind, or just to gain new and unforgettable memories. If you’re a girl – whatever your age is – take a gander at this list and tell us, how many have you done so far?

1. Travel alone.

Nothing is more badass than traveling alone. You can plan your entire trip without anyone meddling with your itinerary, you can eat whatever you want, you will be able to meet new people, you can be more aware of what the world has to offer, and you will be able to learn – a lot!

Travel idea: Explore a city that is totally unfamiliar to you. Walk around the streets and go wherever your heart desires. You can try food of different kinds, visit hole-in-the-wall cafés or shop for unique finds.

via abc

2. Travel with your other half.

Even though traveling alone is considered a milestone, you should also make it a point to travel with your special someone. Admit it – seeing Instagram posts with the “relationship goals” hashtag makes you feel all mushy and a little jealous inside. Of course you would also want to share a moment like that with your other half! Maybe through the trip, you’ll even learn a new thing or two about him/her.

Travel idea: See the beauty of nature together. You can have a trip to the beach but if that’s not your thing, then you can climb a mountain. If you’re both a newbie, let this list serve as your guide.


3. Travel with your family.

There really is no time to catch up with one another when everyone is always coming and going. But a change of environment can change that! Families could learn more about each other while relaxing and being away from their stressful lives, even if it’s just for a while.

Travel idea: Go to the beach. There are a lot of beaches that are affordable and accessible. Plus, it’s a great place to catch up with everyone.

4. Travel with your sibling/s.

If you grew up with strict parents, going out with your siblings is not something that pops up in your head when you hear the word “adventure”. Even if you and your siblings fight a lot, it would be fun to go out with them without a parent in sight.

Travel idea: Commute to a foreign place. Cabs are so expensive in foreign countries, and commuting would enable you to explore more! Take trains and learn how to read maps even if it’s difficult.

5. Travel with your parent/s.


They deserve to be spoiled, they deserve to feel special, and they deserve your time. Nothing says “Thank you” better than a great trip.

Travel idea: Take them out of the country, go to their respective provinces or travel to a remote island. You know how parents get tired easily, right? You better make your family trip is as relaxing and hassle-free as possible. They would appreciate it.

6. Travel with your best friend.

Every girl has that one friend that she can totally rely on. But because you live separate and fabulous lives, you can’t get in touch every day. The ultimate way to catch up is by traveling!

Travel idea: Travel to one of the best shopping capitals in the world. Whether it’s New York, Tokyo or Paris, you can invest on getting lost in a sea of things you love! Who doesn’t like shopping, right? You can also look at different tourist spots while you’re at it.

7. Travel with all your closest girl friends.

Who else could understand all your girl issues but your circle of friends? A sisterly bond is already strong, but it can get even stronger by going on a trip. No one can come but you and your group – no boyfriends or plus ones allowed! Just imagine the misadventures and the laughter you’ll share together.

Travel idea: This depends on what you and your squad likes. You can dance the night away and go on a night-out with them if that’s your thing, or you can spend an entire weekend together at a hotel or a resort. It totally depends on you. But then, why settle for just one activity?

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Also read: 5 Beautiful Destinations Where You Can Go Soul-Searching in the South

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