Apps that will Make Traveling More Fun (and Rewarding)

Your trip will be a breeze.
by | November 18, 2015

Technology makes traveling a lot easier. These days, we have hundreds of apps to choose from that help us navigate our routes, plan our trips, find accommodations, places to eat, and even point us in the direction of the coolest nightlife destinations.

Here are just some of the well trusted travel apps out there that you can use to ensure a worry and stress free vacation.



Hopper will analyze billions of flights for you and inform you about the cheapest flight accommodations possible for your flight route. It also gives you an option to track a flight booking you want so that it will inform you when the prices drop for the given booking. This is a must have application if you want to save some $$$ for a trip.



Airbnb is one of the world’s most trusted accommodation booking apps. The sheer diversity lodging options is incredible. You can rent out a castle (yes, a castle), a boat, or gazebos apart from the thousands of apartments and hostels. This makes travelling even more exciting and gives you the ability to stay in places that don’t have hotels around the area. Oh, and it’s going to be a lot cheaper.



TripAdvisor allows you to take a peek at your desired destination by giving you options of places to eat, places to stay, and places to see. Users are free to upload pictures to give you a better impression of the places you may want to go to. Definitely download this app if you’re going to go somewhere new. What are you waiting for? It’s free!



This application is total genius. Postagram lets you to take a picture of something and use it as the backdrop of your postcard. All you have to do is fill it up and postagram will give you the option of having them print the card and send it to you anywhere in the world for just $1.99. Now, that folks is convenience.

Field Trip



Field Trip will look for things that interest you if you are in the vicinity of the area. Based on the categories you choose, this app will look out for restaurants, bars, events, and the whole lot for you. The app will alert when things around you are happening so you will never miss out on anything ever again.



Triposo will allow you to pre-navigate your route so that you won’t need GPS or mobile data to map out your trip. This is an extremely useful app if you happen to be driving through dead spots such as deserts and mountains—or if you just to save on data. Having Triposo will assure that you will never get lost.

Gas buddy


This app will come in handy if you happen to be driving in a location you are not familiar with. Gas buddy will let you know where to find gas and will sort it out by gas and location. This means you need not have to settle for expensive gas since you will be offered better options.


Any other apps to make travels as stress-free as possible? Sound off below!

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