Guess Which Beach in Palawan Was Named “The Most Beautiful Beach in The World” By a Canadian Travel Blogger?

It's one of the unspoiled beaches in the country.
by | June 27, 2016

For someone who has visited different countries and who has seen the best of this world, it’s probably not easy to name a place the “most beautiful” – but not for the famous 22-year-old Canadian travel blogger, Christian LeBlanc!

Just recently, the 22-year-old jetsetter said that Nacpan Beach in El Nido Palawan is easily the best he has seen. Christian posted this statement along with the viral video documenting his experience in the island: “Looking for the most beautiful beach in the world? Nacpan Beach in Palawan Philippines easily takes the cake.”

Nacpan Beach features a stretch of at least four kilometers of fine, creamy white sand beach that’s dotted by coconut trees. Compared to other beaches in El Nido, Nacpan (along with its twin beach Calitang) still remains a hidden gem – unexploited and still un-commercialized. Although Christian said that it’s only a matter of time.

“It’s only a matter of time until Nacpan Beach is developed just like El Nido is or Boracay because it’s even better than those beaches.”

Christian also toured other spots in the Philippines like Cebu, Boracay and Dumaguete.

Have you been to Nacpan Beach? Share with us your photos by using the hashtag #windowseatph!

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