Philippines: The Freediving Capital of the World

Freediving world record holder and two-time champion Guillaume Néry claims the Philippines is poised to take the top post in the world for the sport.
by | August 11, 2017

Our vast number of islands and beaches are already gaining so much recognition from travelers and travel sites worldwide, but there is also much splendor beneath the water surface that only a few brave ones will dare to discover.

Freediving is becoming a favored underwater activity by locals and tourists because it allows us to explore the deeper parts of the water without the constraints of diving gear. And with our abundant and diverse marine life as well as the growing interest towards the sport, it’s no surprise freediving world record holder and two-time champion Guillaume Néry claims the Philippines is poised to be the Freediving Capital of the World.

In an interview with The Philippine Daily Inquirer, Néry says: “The Philippines is in the middle of Southeast Asia, with warm water close to the shore. It is full of treasures, full of incredible marine life. That’s what makes it attractive to freedivers.”

He also goes to say: “What makes a place incredible for freediving is also the people. Unique people to support this activity — and you have more and more freediving centers opening all over the Philippines.”

The Department of Tourism shares Néry’s vision and has since appointed him as our country’s freediving ambassador, working alongside him to increase appreciation for the sport and to someday stage a freediving world championship in the years to come.

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