The One-Month Weekend Travel Challenge: June Edition

Ready? Set? Go!
by | June 08, 2018

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Samar continues to be a destination for the adventurous, with its rugged scenery and hidden gems which you can only discover if you dare tread the more challenging route. A great example would be the post-card worthy Pinipisakan Falls. Compared to the more common Blanca Aurora, this waterfall is lesser known to the locals and is much more difficult and time-consuming to reach. But the reward is worth it—the falls is a breathtaking scenery that you’d want to stare at all day. You can also explore the Sulpan Cave, with an entrance located just above the falls. Note though that it will be an extreme caving experience, but it’s definitely one for the books.

Weekend 3: Cresta de Gallo, Sibuyan Island, Romblon

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