The One-Month Weekend Travel Challenge: New Year Edition

Make your January memorable with these exciting adventures!
by | January 04, 2018

Bohol is most famous for the Chocolate Hills, and if you haven’t seen them, the Chocolate Hills Adventure Park (CHAP) offers a lot of exciting activities that will not only give you a new way to admire this natural wonder but will let you experience unique, unforgettable adventures.

For example, you can traverse across two hills half a kilometer apart while riding a bicycle 150 feet the air!  This activity is called “The Rush,” a bicycle zipline that gives you an awe-inspiring view of the Chocolate Hills. Remember though, it’s not for the faint of heart!

If the bike’s not enough, try out Wave Runner Surf, where you ride a surf board up in the air. How thrilling is that?

See their list of activities here.

Weekend 2: Cinema Centenario

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