The One-Month Weekend Travel Challenge: New Year Edition

Make your January memorable with these exciting adventures!
by | January 04, 2018

Watching in micro-cinemas and mini-theaters feels a lot different than when you watch films at the mall — it’s more intimate and it gives you the rush of the old timey days of arthouse, when film was a new way to create and express.

Here’s the good news: another independent movie house just opened last month, and they’re screening films until the wee hours! Cinema Centenario is the newest addition to the growing family of local movie houses like Cinema 76 and Black Maria Cinema, and you can watch new local releases and your favorite Filipino films here — even the classics! The cinema is open until 2 a.m., perfect for the nightcrawlers.

It’s also conveniently located on Magiting Street, so you can go on a food trip in nearby Maginhawa Street before or after your movie.

Weekend 3: Masamirey Cove, Pangasinan

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