World’s Biggest Hotel to Open in Mecca in 2017

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by | May 27, 2015

Mecca, Saudi Arabia will soon be the home of the biggest hotel the world has ever seen.

The Abraj Kudai hotel will be 45 stories high. It will have 70 restaurants, a shopping mall, a bus station, a helipad.

The desert fortress-style hotel designed by the Dar al-Handasah group will be a total of 10,000 rooms. Five of the floors will reportedly be off-limits, as it would be reserved for members and guests of the Saudi royal family.

Abraj Kudai

photo via

The cost? A whopping $3.6 billion. This project is being funded by Abraj Kudai.

Some are not too happy with the announcement. Irfan Al-Alawi, director of the UK-based Islamic Heritage Research Foundation, said that the city is turning int “Meca-hattan.”

“Everything has been swept away to make way for the incessant march of luxury hotels, which are destroying the sanctity of the place and pricing normal pilgrims out,” he adds.


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