Passenger Shaming: People That You Don’t Want to Sit Next to on the Plane

by | May 15, 2015

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Travel is not all romance, adventure, and good food. Before you get to experience the good stuff, you’ll need to hop on a plane and share small space with 500 others, a small population of which may cause problems, making your three-hour flight feel way longer. WAY longer.

Passengershaming is a website, a Facebook page, and an Instagram account that will give you a glimpse of some of the worst passengers in the world. Seriously, people–don’t be like them.

Presenting: the worst people to fly with.


Those who cannot wait to do their laundry.


Those who’ve had a little bit too much to drink.


Those with Paranoia level 5000. 


These parents.


These animals. 



A photo posted by Passenger Shaming (@passengershaming) on


Those who do not understand the meaning of personal space.


This woman. 



This guy.


Stop this cruelty, guys. You’ve all gone bananas!


Know of any passengers that should be shamed? Share them with us in the comments!

Bong Sta. Maria’s travel trifecta is composed of food, coffee, and books. Her favorite place on earth is Nepal, and she finds it weird talking about herself in the third person.

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