5 Destinations with Beautiful Rock Formations around the Philippines

Rock baby, rock!
by | October 12, 2017

You can find many places with beautiful rock formations around the country. These natural wonders sculpted by the elements, weather, wind, and waves have resulted in breathtakingly scenic spots.

For those looking for raw and rugged landscapes, here are five stunning rock formations around the Philippines you might want to visit.

Northern Samar: Biri Rock Formations

The rocky landscape of Biri Island in Northern Samar resembles a scene out of a science fiction movie. Biri Rock Formations are gigantic limestone rock formations formed by pounding winds, raging storms and ruthless waves that battered the coast.

The six rock formations (Magasang, Magsapad, Makadlao, Puhunan, Bel-at, and Caranas) all offer spectacular views and can be reached via a habal-habal (motorcycle) and wading through tide pools. The whole area where the rocks are located has now been declared a protected area, with thick mangrove forests surrounding the coast. Because of its remote location, the area remains well-protected and Biri’s natural beauty preserved.

Kara Santos is a freelance writer and photographer. When not on the road or motorcycling off somewhere for the weekend, she’s leveling up her experience points in the latest PlayStation RPG. Read about her real-life and virtual adventures on her blog Travel Up.

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