gcq requirements to travel

Do You Need a Travel Pass? Here Are Some Answers to Your GCQ Questions

Here's what you need to present.
by | June 06, 2020

With the start of the General Community Quarantine (GCQ) and the Modified GCQ (MGCQ) in most areas in the country, you’re probably wondering if you can travel without restrictions now, even if it’s just for an errand or a work task that might bring you out of your city. That’s why we’ve compiled some of the most commonly asked questions about traveling during GCQ.

Do I still need a quarantine pass to go out of my house?

No, you don’t need a quarantine pass anymore — unless you live in an area categorized as critical due to the number of COVID-19 positive cases. However, local governments may still decide to require quarantine passes, so you should check with your city or barangay hall for any additional rules.

What’s the difference between the quarantine pass and the travel authority?

The quarantine pass is a document designating a member of one household as the representative in going out of their home to acquire necessities during quarantine. Only the household member whose name is indicated on the pass may use it, and these passes are often limited to one per household.

On the other hand, a travel authority or a travel pass is a document stating that a person is allowed to travel outside of their province or region of residence, that is, crossing the borders of a province or a region. It must be presented at checkpoints or wherever necessary.

Do I need a travel pass or authority?

This depends on what your purpose is in traveling. You won’t be required to present a travel pass if:

  • you have a family or medical emergency and you’re travelling within Metro Manila or within the same province.
  • you are travelling out of Metro Manila or your province due to a critical medical emergency or treatment, a death in your immediate family, or a similar life-or-death situation.
  • you are an authorized person outside of residence (APOR), such as a medical frontliner or an employee in an industry allowed to operate during GCQ or MGCQ, like the food and beverage industry.

While traveling, APORs must bring their company ID, certificate of employment, and an ID card indicating their place of residence.

On the other hand, you will be required to present a travel pass if:

  • you have a family or medical emergency and you’re traveling out of Metro Manila or your province.
  • you are a locally stranded individual (LSI) going home to your province or Metro Manila.

Locally stranded individuals may be a student, worker, or any persons who are unable to go home to their place of permanent residence.


How can I get a travel pass?

First, determine where you’re traveling — within or outside your province or region.

A travel pass or authority is issued by different government units depending on your destination. If you’re travelling to another province but within the same region, you can get a travel pass from the chief of the city or municipal station. If you’re travelling outside your region, you should approach the director of the district, provincial, or city police unit.

Before heading to the appropriate police office, you need to secure a medical clearance certificate that states you are fit to travel. You would need to submit this to the help desk of the police office.

Upon approval of your travel authority, the help desk will contact you to pick up the hard copy of the document, but you may request they send you the soft copy via online platforms like email, Messenger, or Viber.

Are there any public transportation vehicles available?


At the moment, public transportation units are operating at a “limited capacity” to ensure observance of social distancing, as the one-meter social distance rule must be strictly enforced.

This includes trains and bus augmentation, taxis, transport network vehicle services (TNVS), shuttle services, point-to-point buses, and bicycles. Tricycles are also allowed to operate subject to the local government’s approval.

Is there still a curfew?

Yes, curfews will still be imposed by local government units. During the Enhanced Community Quarantine, local government agreed to impose a curfew from 8 PM to 5 AM. It’s best to check with your city or municipal halls or barangay officials regarding the updated curfew hours imposed in your area.

Can I travel for leisure?

No, leisure travel is not allowed under GCQ. You are encouraged to stay home if you don’t have an immediate concern that requires you to travel.

Some provinces under MGCQ are preparing to resume tourism-related activities, but none are ready to do so this month.


What other questions do you have? Tell us below.

Meryl finds joy in music, movies, museums, and making her way around the world.

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