One Month Left: How You Can Still Go to Laboracay on the Cheap

Are you Laboready?
by | March 30, 2016

Laboracay is the annual Labor Day convention where all the country’s labor unions converge for a humongous protest march for higher wages on the sands of Boracay. Not.

What it really is, the mecca of the millennial cult of the young, fancy free and summer-mad.  The main ritual being to achieve unconsciousness through a dervish dance of sun, sea, sand, drink and, parties and adventure—in no particular order. If you’ve never experienced Laboracay, than you owe it to yourself to at least go once—because once may be your threshold. Of course, this time of year demand goes through the roof and you wonder if you even still find a light or a room, at not-quite-insane prices.  Despair not.  The answer is YES—IF you take these tips.

Take the Ro-Ro

A little sacrifice goes a long way! If you’re on a budget and you can sit through a 12-15 hour boat ride, than you can save as much as PHP5,000 on ticket costs. Taking the “ro-ro” costs less than three meals in Boracay so if you can trade the luxury of a plane ride for some much needed extra cash, you definitely won’t regret it.

Stop Drinking until Laboracay

Save. Save. Save. It’s common for people in their twenties to blow their hard earned money on alcohol-laced humpdays and Fridays. Instead of partying on these four weekends leading to Laboracay, why not invest in some workout time and save that money for drinks on the beach instead? If you put it into perspective, all those beers you drank in Manila can’t even compare to a cold one on the beach.

Skip the Hotels, Book the Hostels

The number one budgeting mistake when to Laboracay is booking a big-name hotel. These are way more expensive than you actually need. Rates keep getting jacked up by the sheer influx of Laboracay pilgrims and the massive invasion of foreign tourists.

There are literally hundreds of obscure hostels that never fill up in Boracay. All it takes is a little research and a little legwork. Talk to the right people and they may give you awesome deals. Besides, who wants to stay in a hotel room when you’re in beautiful Boracay?

Forget Shangri-La man, you’re at the beach.

Stick to the Budget

Make a budget before leaving for Laboracay and STICK to it! Make a list of would-be daily expenses and try not to go over the limit. Leave some spare cash at the end of the trip for emergency purposes. If ever you spend less than you limit then that’s the time you can splurge. It’s easier and less worrying to deal with money this way instead of just dishing out cash until you realize your wallet is empty.  The main thing to avoid is to be penniless in Laboracay.

Got more tips? Post them in the comments!

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