How to Travel with Your Significant Other Without Wanting to Kill Each Other

A survival guide.
by | September 08, 2015

So you finally planned that awesome vacation with your significant other/best friend/partner for life. Good for you! Traveling with your SO is an amazing experience since you get to know each other a little better and you get to make new memories together! Here are a few tips to make your trip a spectacular one and not one where you’ll want to throw each other off a moving bus.

Here’s how to make that trip worthwhile and not end up where you want to strangle each other.

1. Establish your expectations


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Where do you want to go? What do you want to see and do? Will you lovebirds check out popular sites or go on an adventure and take the road less traveled? Will you go for luxury or go balling on a budget? Take the time and actively talk about how you want your trip and what you want to accomplish. This way, you’ll know where to compromise and where you’ll both have the time of your lives.

2. Reach a compromise


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You can’t get your way all the time, and this goes for relationships and traveling. You may want to go backpacking, but they want to go stay in a luxurious hotel. A fight may happen if the two of you don’t know how to compromise. You have to give up a few things to make your trip an awesome one. Try to be understanding of each other. After all, you’re both on vacation! Work together to be able to have fun traveling together. Don’t be passive-aggressive.

3. Make time and space for alone time


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Traveling together can be awesome—the person of your dreams is with you in a place far away! But this doesn’t mean that it’s not okay to spend some time alone while on vacation. This way, you get to do the things you want to do and are passionate about, while your partner gets to do the same. Find a balance. This will also help you avoid petty arguments. It’s win-win!

4. Experience new things together


You are in a different place, far from what you’re accustomed to. What better time to create new memories and milestones? Try something new and make your relationship stronger!

5. Get off your smartphone



You’re on vacation. Disconnect from the real world and go on a break with your SO. Enjoy each other’s company and savor every single second of your trip. Live in the moment! You’ll thank each other for it.

6. Be flexible, spontaneous and positive


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Not everything will go according to plan. Granted, you may have made an itinerary, but sometimes some circumstances happen and the plan goes out the window. Don’t let this get you down.

Sometimes, the best things happen spontaneously. How you handle these scenarios is entirely up to you. Have a sense of humor and be positive. Make the most out of these little hiccups and turn them into something great.

P.S. Don’t forget to have fun!

How about you? How do you travel with your SO?

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