Survey Says These Are the Top Countries Where People Would Most Like to Live

Did the Philippines make it to the Top 20?
by | January 26, 2023

The U.S. News & World Report conducted a global survey of the top countries where people would most like to live and the results produced a list worth keeping in mind. Which of these countries would you want to live in and fulfill your main character agenda? Let’s look at the Top 8, shall we?


#8 Sweden

Sweden easily makes it to the Top 8 of the survey. The country is known for its abundance of natural resources, for taking good care of its residents when it comes to education and healthcare, and for encouraging everyone to live a balanced lifestyle. Employees are entitled to 25 paid vacation leaves a year and you can use it to explore the picturesque Swedish countryside while sipping coffee (which the Swedes love so much!). Or you can use it to shop at IKEA.


#7 Netherlands

The Netherlands is one of the most bike-friendly places in the world even while having efficient public transportation. It’s the home of many iconic things: the canals of Amsterdam, windmills, flower fields, and cheese. This country was also ranked #5 in the World Happiness Report 2022 (for comparison, the Philippines was ranked #60). And although they do have a high tax rate starting at 26.25%, they do have one of the best healthcare systems in the world and well-paying jobs.


#6 Italy

Art, culture, food — many dreams of visiting Italy for all the wonderful things it offers. No wonder it’s ranked high on a list of countries where people would want to live. Italy is a beautiful place with a relatively low crime rate, free if not a low-cost healthcare system, and exquisite food. But you do have to learn Italian to comfortably live there and that’s a tough language to conquer.


#5 Spain

Speaking of learning a language, if you’re Pinoy with a goal of moving to Spain, learning and adapting the language will be easy enough. We share lots of similarities in words because, you know, we were once part of the Spanish Empire and all that. Spain is a beautiful country known for its architecture, islands and beaches, music and dance, sports, food, and overall culture. You’ll appreciate a good siesta after swimming in the Mediterranean Sea and feasting on paellas.


#4 Australia


The land down under ranks fourth on the list. You probably already know Australia is a good country to live in. In fact, in 2021, they recorded 408.4 “people with Filipino ancestry” living there. Australia is known for its excellent education system, good healthcare, and decent work benefits. It’s also known for wide, open spaces, beaches, and nature and wildlife.


#3 Switzerland

Love cheese and chocolate? Switzerland is known for these two things as well as the breathtaking alpine scenery, winter ski resorts, and generally beautiful cities that look like they’re straight out of a postcard. This small country has a population of 8.70 million. Plus one, if you want to add yourself to the list. However, know that Switzerland is an expensive country to live in. A one-bedroom apartment in Bern could cost you CHF 1,190 or PHP 70639.66!


#2 New Zealand

If you love quiet countries blessed with an abundance of wide, open spaces and nature that looks like it’s from another world, you’ll love New Zealand. The country is known for living life at a relaxed pace — after work, you can spend time in national parks or climb a mountain on the weekend. And since it gives its residents a great quality of life (healthcare, education, jobs, income), it’s “long been a destination of choice for ex-pats.”


#1 Canada

And in the first place, we have Canada. It’s the second-largest country in the world by surface area with a population of 38.2 million. Canada has always topped lists of good places to live in and why not? Canadians are polite and genuinely friendly. It’s a country with low crime rates, universal healthcare, a stellar education system, and lots of outdoor adventure options. No wonder almost a million Pinoys live in Canada in 2022!

That’s the Top 8 countries where people would most like to live. And if you’re asking how the Philippines is ranked, well…


#41 Philippines

Surprise, surprise, we’re ranked #41. Although we aren’t in the Top 10 or 20, at least we made it to the top half of this 85-country list. Barely. According to the report, we also rank #46 for “best countries overall.” While the Philippines has amazing beaches people all over the world flock for, unforgettable cuisine, and the most hospitable residents, actual Pinoys living in the country know why we’re ranked low. Hopefully, in about a century or something, we get to boost our rankings and be the envy of all the other countries.


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Kyzia spends most of her time capturing the world around her through photos, paragraphs, and playlists. She is constantly on the hunt for the perfect chocolate chip cookie, and a great paperback thriller to pair with it.

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