10 Things You Learn When You Travel Alone

You become a better version of yourself.
by | August 13, 2015

Sometimes you just want to spend your alone time somewhere nice and far away where nobody knows who you are. Sometimes, too, you just want to not worry about anyone but yourself.

And when you travel alone, you get to know yourself a little better and you learn some really important things.

10. That you can actually trust yourself

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It’s not that you don’t, it’s just that you learn to value your judgment more when you’re alone and far away.

9. That you’re actually more confident that you thought you were

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No insecurities, no doubts, just you taking on the world.

8. That (the right) strangers can make good friends

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Your time with them may be short but they will be memorable.

7. That you’re not bad company

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The best company is yourself, after all.

6. That you can actually take care of yourself (when left to your own devices)

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No one else is going to, right?

5. That change is a requirement

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Change is part of growing up—of life, in general—and it pushes you to become a better version of yourself.

4. That it’s okay to make mistakes

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You won’t get it on the first try, the second, or the third. But you will soon.

3. That you can test and stretch your limits

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Breathe in the opportunity to test the waters and dive into the ocean to see what you can uncover.

2. That you can figure this out

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Now, you know you can.

1. That you’ll always be home

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Wherever your heart is.

Got stories about traveling solo? Tell us all about them in thr comments!

Leigh is just beginning. She dreams of traveling the world forever and imagines herself living in a peaceful and quiet house by the meadow. She also believes in magic and used to be a mermaid in her past life.


  • rosemarie martinez

    want to travel alone at the cheapest price i can afford hope u can help me thanks

    August 17, 2015 at 7:44 pm

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