See More, Do More: Travel Resolutions for 2019

How we can all travel better this year.
by | January 15, 2019

Travelers usually get attracted to exotic destinations overseas that they end up overlooking perfectly good spots right nearby. Most of us save up money to do one epic trip each year, but there are so many amazing places that can be visited in three days or less at a fraction of the cost.

This year, why not rediscover what the Philippines has to offer? Sometimes, the most underrated destinations nearby can surprise you. Whether this means camping our at a beach near the city, taking a road trip to a remote waterfall or taking the ferry to a nearby island province you’ve never been to, exploring local destinations can be just as exciting as setting foot in another country.


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Kara Santos is a freelance writer and photographer. When not on the road or motorcycling off somewhere for the weekend, she’s leveling up her experience points in the latest PlayStation RPG. Read about her real-life and virtual adventures on her blog Travel Up.


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