These Three Apps Will Help You Track Your Travels in the Philippines’ 81 Provinces

There's never a better time to track your past adventures and organize your memories.
by | July 09, 2020

We’re all still processing the fact that the rest of our planned 2020 travels will be postponed until further notice. With the rate this pandemic is going, it’s highly unlikely that we’ll be visiting beaches and tourist destinations soon. But don’t despair! We could all use this time to look back at our past travels and organize the photos and files we can’t seem to ever get in order.

Here are a few handy apps that will help you look back on your local travels and excite you to map out your future ones too.



Timba is a bucket list app made by a Filipino app developer and traveler Al John Quiapon. Timba shows its users an overview of the map of the Philippines with customizable highlights in places they’ve been to.

Marking provinces as “explored” would require you to upload a photo. Afterward, you can upload as many photos as you want and tag them to specific travel dates. You can upload your photos even offline; the app will automatically sync once you have access to the internet.

Timba’s Philippine map overview will inspire you to travel since it shows you the number of provinces you’ve explored and have yet to explore. It also shows you the percentage before you complete the 81 provinces.

Timba is available for download on Android and iOS.



Some of your followers might think that it’s a mortal sin to keep uploading travel photos well after the trip has ended. Our take? Go ahead and post your great snaps whenever you like! But if you feel like you’re spamming your followers, Project81PH’s app answers your dilemma.

The name of the app gives away its wonderful purpose – to help you track your travels throughout the 81 provinces of the Philippines.

It lets you tag not only the provinces you’ve been to but also the specific municipalities or cities. It connects with your Facebook account or GMail so your basic information is immediately synced. You can post photos with captions for travel stories. It isn’t a social media platform, so you won’t be able to see your friends’ maps, only your own.

Project81PH is currently only available for download on iOS.


Lakbay Pinas

Lakbay Pinas is the simplest and easiest app to use among the three. It gives users an overview of the Philippines as seen on Google Maps. There are options to display provinces and municipalities from the left-hand menu. To mark a region or a municipality as “explored,” users simply have to toggle the button beside the name.

The province won’t be highlighted in a solid color; a location pin will appear above it instead. You can see the percentage of provinces you’ve explored on the upper right hand of the map overview. The app also does not have photo upload features but it has a section for notes.

Lakbay Pinas is currently only available on Google Play.


Planning future travels

This pandemic has put an indefinite pause to our wanderlust but that does not mean we can’t plan ahead. Once it’s finally safe to go out and explore, make sure you dedicate the first few years to local travel. This will not only help the livelihood of our fellow Filipinos but it will also allow you to help the economy while enjoying yourself. Besides, Filipinos should see the entirety of the Philippines’ 81 provinces at least once!


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Kyzia spends most of her time capturing the world around her through photos, paragraphs, and playlists. She is constantly on the hunt for the perfect chocolate chip cookie, and a great paperback thriller to pair with it.

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