6 Filipino Travelers You Should Follow on Instagram

by | January 31, 2017

Need travel inspiration/envy? Follow these travel bloggers who will bless your feed with their stunning photos:

Dr. Amadeus Baraan (@grandeurtraveler)

Dr. Amadeus Baraan, a dermatologist, always makes the best out of his travels by trying a lot of activities in a place. Check his blogs to see his hotel and island reviews, and you might want to check his feed that’s screaming with luxury and nature.

Javi Cang (@javycang)

A photo posted by Javi Cang (@javycang) on

A photo posted by Javi Cang (@javycang) on

Javi Cang is just one of our life pegs: he balances his corporate work and travel activities pretty well. His feed is filled with breathtaking views from his travels which are mostly mountain views, and we tell you, he takes awesome photos! You’ve got to follow this banker slash travel junkie, he’ll definitely inspire you to explore the great outdoors.

Aaron Palabyab (@apalabyab)

A photo posted by Aaron Palabyab (@apalabyab) on

A photo posted by Aaron Palabyab (@apalabyab) on

Palabyab is a photographer and filmmaker, so it’s no wonder takes really beautiful photos. I mean, have you seen his feed? His landscapes are so postcard-esque, you’ll keep on scrolling down to see more of his pieces. Click that follow button and get your feed ready with stunning travel photos.

Kimi Juan and Thomas Caja (@kimijuan and @thomascaja)

A photo posted by Kimi Juan (@kimijuan) on

A photo posted by Thomas Caja (@thomascaja) on

Couple bloggers Kimi Juan and Thomas Caja beautifully captures the dream travel life of any other couple; and that’s why they have a huge following. Their blog, Escape Journal, is a depository of their getaways from all over — from sand, snow, mountainsides and temples . Follow their Instagram to see what we’re talking about.

Angel Juarez (@thelakwatsero)

A photo posted by Lakwatsero (@thelakwatsero) on

A photo posted by Lakwatsero (@thelakwatsero) on

On weekdays and holidays, Angel Juarez finds himself by the waterfalls near a mountain or by the clear waters of beaches. His feed full of nature will inspire you to go off-the-beaten pathHe’s got a lot more adventures to share, so make sure to follow him.

Trisha Velarmino (@psimonmyway)

Trisha Velarmino quit her fashion job at 22 to travel the world. And yes, she’s doing it with no regrets. Four years later, she’s gone to more places an average millennial can. Her colorful feed full of adventures might just inspire you to take that leap.

Who’s your travel peg? Tell us in the comments!

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