5 Stunning Waterfalls to Visit in South Cebu

Dive into the blue!
by | September 08, 2017

Binalayan Falls, which is also in Samboan, offers another cool spot for thrill-seekers. The falls has two layers, a small but wide one, which you pass on the way up to the main hidden attraction, a tall and narrow waterfall that drops down into three columns.

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Binalayan Falls is one of the more unique looking waterfalls I’ve been to in South Cebu, as its smooth 30-foot cascade falls over small cavern holes. Locals usually like to show off for tourists by climbing up and jumping from the little cave holes into the catch basin below. Meanwhile, the lower level falls has a tire swing that visitors can play in before taking a dip in the basin below.

Kara Santos is a freelance writer and photographer. When not on the road or motorcycling off somewhere for the weekend, she’s leveling up her experience points in the latest PlayStation RPG. Read about her real-life and virtual adventures on her blog Travel Up.


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