LOOK: How This Filipino Airline Is Keeping Travelers Safe Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic

You can rest easy if you need to travel.
by | July 25, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced the world to adapt to so many changes in such a short amount of time. Many industries have been greatly affected, and the airline industry is no different. When most of the world closed their borders and implemented travel restrictions and the Philippines started the community quarantine, hundreds of planes were forced to stay on ground for a couple of months. But now that the government has relaxed some travel restrictions, people are once again thinking about flying. However, this question remains in everyone’s minds: is it safe to fly?

The aviation industry has standardized layers of safety, and Cebu Pacific has made sure to follow strict safety guidelines to protect all those in transit.

Cebu Pacific crew in full PPE

Biosafety measures throughout the whole trip

Before a passenger even boards a plane, Cebu Pacific is already implementing several biosafety measures to ensure that social distancing is observed. With the use of strategically placed floor markers, each passenger is reminded to observe social distancing and to wear their masks at all times — from entering the airport, to proceeding to check-in, to heading to the pre-departure waiting area, and finally boarding the plane.


Cabin air is kept fresh and clean

Cebu Pacific crew onboard

While some people may think that the airplane cabin is like any other enclosed air-conditioned space, it’s actually quite different, primarily due to the fact that the airflow is different. Air circulates inside the cabin vertically, which means “used air” is pushed out of the cabin, while fresh air — after being filtered — comes in from the outside.

With the hospital-grade High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters installed in the Cebu Pacific aircrafts, clean air circulates every three minutes, eliminating microscopic particles such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi. The vertical airflow reduces the chances of transmission of contaminants via breathing, even if passengers sit next to each other.

According to research conducted by the International Air Transport Association, the condition in the air cabin makes transmission of the virus difficult, as airflow exchange rates and directions are less conducive to droplet spread. The structure of the cabin with rows upon rows of seats allow the seatbacks to act as a solid barrier that directs airflow straight to the filters.


Aircrafts undergo regular and extensive disinfection

Each Cebu Pacific aircraft is thoroughly and regularly cleaned and disinfected by personnel certified by the Bureau of Quarantine. They use Airbus-approved disinfectant, proven to be effective against viruses, including the coronavirus.

Cebu Pacific Aircraft disinfection

While in the air, crew members clean the lavatories every thirty minutes to ensure safety and cleanliness protocols are observed. The cabin crew will also be wearing their full gear of personal protective equipment (PPE) while onboard.


Passengers must do their part, too

Of course, while airlines like Cebu Pacific have put all these precautionary measures in place, it wouldn’t work without the cooperation of their passengers. So EveryJuan is encouraged to participate actively in protecting themselves and fellow passengers against the pandemic.

If you’re travelling, ensure you are well enough to travel. Prepare face masks. Bring an alcohol-based hand sanitizer (remember that only a maximum of 100 mL is allowed in the cabin!) so you can disinfect your hands and items anytime. Wash your hands regularly and thoroughly. Avoid touching your mouth, nose, and eyes.


What do you think of this new safety measures by Cebu Pacific? Tell us below!

Meryl finds joy in music, movies, museums, and making her way around the world.


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