Meteor Shower

This Is How You Can View the Lyrids Meteor Shower Even if You’re Stuck At Home

Why not from your window at home?
by | April 21, 2020

Even if the world is facing a global health crisis, the world continues to turn and move, as does the universe. Tomorrow night, the world is going to witness the Lyrids meteor shower.

Meteor Shower

One of the oldest known meteor showers, the Lyrids has been around for about 2700 years. This meteor shower comes every April, usually from the 16th to 25th day of the month. This meteor shower is highly anticipated, as there is often a long drought of showers during the first quarter of the year, with the last one being the Quadrantids meteor shower in January. There are often about 10 to 15 meteors per hour, but the Lyrids is especially more unique due to uncommon surges that can go up to 100 meteors per hour.

This year, the Lyrids is expected to peak on April 22 a few hours before dawn comes. Even if there are no organized in-person viewing parties due to the quarantine, you can still try to view the Lyrids meteor shower from your home with these tips.


Know your date and time

You should know when best to go. We said that the peak will be before dawn of April 22, so you already have your date, but you should double-check with the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical, and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) if they have the exact hours so you can schedule your day around it.


No to lights

You need to stay away from bright lights. It might seem impossible because most of us live in urban cities, but with the quarantine right now, the sky is clearer than ever with air pollution brought to a minimum, as well as less light pollution murking the view of the sky from the cities. So you can try going up to your roof and looking up at the sky.


Go to a moon shadow

Supposedly, there would be no moon during the peak hours of the Lyrids meteor shower, but to be sure, you should find a spot where the moonlight wouldn’t hit you and your eyes.


Let your eyes adapt to the dark

Of course, once you’ve successfully avoided bright lights, you have to allow your eyes to adjust to the dark. It will definitely take some time — and maybe some dizziness — but you just need to be patient.


Don’t use your phone

And once your eyes have adjusted to the dark, you shouldn’t let all your hard work and patience go to waste! Do NOT ever look at your phone. Your phone’s light would just make your eyes adjust to the brightness again and all the time and effort you put in letting your eyes adapt to the dark would be useless. Even if you’re bored, avoid looking at your phone.


Got any other tips? Share them with us below!


Meryl finds joy in music, movies, museums, and making her way around the world.

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