Taiwan: A Hidden Gem in Asia

Fun in Taiwan!
by | April 30, 2015

[article_carousel images=”http://windowseat.ph/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Jiufen-1.jpg, http://windowseat.ph/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Carousel-8.jpg, http://windowseat.ph/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Carousel-7.jpg”]
There are a lot of activities in store for Taiwan visitors–shopping, checking out temples, visiting historical landmarks, and so on. The tourist population is still small compared to neighboring countries like Hong Kong, Japan, and South Korea, but it is slowly picking up, establishing itself as a place for fun, play, and culture.

Here are some attractions you can check out here.

Shilin Night Market

The streets of Taiwan are not as cramped and flashy as the side streets of busy cities like Hong Kong. If you’re overwhelmed by busy shopping streets, go for Taipei, especially the Shilin Night Market–one of the city’s most famous shopping spots.

This well-organized market is visited by locals and tourists alike. This is the place to visit if you’re looking for local street food such as stews, hot pot dishes, seafood, etc. There’s also a lot of stalls selling stuff that you can bring back home, like clothes and accessories.

The night market is also near the famous Yangming Theater and the Cicheng Temple.

Shilin 1

Shilin 2

The Yangming Theater


Jiufen is a town located in the outskirts of Taiwan and an hour’s drive away from Taipei. Located in the mountain tops of Taiwan, Jiufen reflects a Japanese-stylized village.

This village peaked during the Japanese occupation era. Even after the decline of Jiufen around the 1970s, it still retains the Japanese style charm.

Jiufen 1

People go to Juifen for the incredible view. There are a lot of restaurants and cafes that have great overlooking views of the mountaintops.

Jiufen 2

Longshan Temple

This reconstructed temple located at the Wanhua District symbolizes the classic architecture that reflects the early years of Taiwan, as well as the Buddhist and Taoist faith of the Taiwanese.

Longshan 1

There isn’t much to see in the temple, but the classical architecture is exceptional.

Miniatures Museum of Taipei

Taipei is home to many museums of history and culture (National Palace Museum, Fine Arts Museum, National Museum of History), but one of the most unique would have to be the private Miniatures Museum, where one can enjoy dollhouse-sized replicas of Eastern and Western structures–from village to houses, castles to palaces.

This one is located in Jianguo North Road at the Zhongshan District, and is open from 10am to 6pm.

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Daniel Gonzales is an occasional traveler, full-time programmer, gamer, and part-time science geek. Every year, he travels to a new country to explore and expose himself to different cultures.

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