5 Tidal Pools to visit in the Philippines

Natural infinity pools.
by | September 19, 2019

One of the most popular tidal pools in the country is Magpupungko Rock Pools on Siargao Island. For those looking for something else to do aside from surfing and island-hopping, visiting the rock pools are a top draw. The pool offers a scenic spot for day trips, cliff jumping or just floating around.  The area is roughly 45 minutes away from the main General Luna tourist area.

Via Instagram: Abra Perry


Cabongaoan Death Pool, Pangasinan

Kara Santos is a freelance writer and photographer. When not on the road or motorcycling off somewhere for the weekend, she’s leveling up her experience points in the latest PlayStation RPG. Read about her real-life and virtual adventures on her blog Travel Up.

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