Commuter Trains in Paris Get a Royal Makeover

They're transformed into moving art museums.
by | May 23, 2016

Guess who pimped out the trains from Paris to Versailles?

France’s national railway company is changing the public transit game as they transform five trains into different parts of the grounds, ceiling frescoes and gardens of The Palace of Versailles—an enduring symbol of luxury.



Commuters will be in for a very pleasant surprise as the cabins have been plastered with photographs of Louis XIV’s 18th-century residence. The makeover needed 10 full-time employees to apply 941 panels of film to recreate the royal chateau.

In a press statement, the SNCF, France’s national rail network, said: “The scenic designs are adapted to the configuration of the train.” They also added that they are “generally lightened to work with the light, colorful new train design.”



The artistic makeover is part of the series called Art in Transit which aims to make the commuting experience more interesting by covering the interiors with famous works of art.

The five Versailles trains stop at 36 stations which run through five departments: Paris, Hauts-de-Seine, Val-de-Marne, Essonne and Yvelines. The mobile version of the palace will make your journey from Paris to Versailles a whole lot classier beginning May 25.

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