5 Reasons Why You Should Travel Alone At Least Once

If you would go fast, go alone.
by | September 01, 2016

You’ve thought, dreamt and talked about it. The idea of solo travel regularly flutters in your mind. There’s no denying that you want to explore some part of the world alone. So what’s stopping you?

Forget about loneliness, dependence and discomfort. Silence all the reasons why you can’t do it, and focus on the great possibility that—indeed—you can travel alone.

And if you still need more convincing, here are five reasons why you absolutely should.

It will empower you.

Without travel companions, you will have to depend on yourself. Booking tickets, choosing where to say and every other travel decision will be entirely up to you. You’ll also have to carry your bags, figure out public transportation on your own and try to communicate with locals without anyone’s help.

Challenges will undoubtedly come your way, but solo travel naturally induces strength and self-sufficiency. You will feel empowered to face every challenge head on, and that’s always hard to beat.

You’ll discover amazing, new things about yourself.

With independence comes a multitude of revelations about your identity—capabilities, interests, etc. All of which you probably would not have discovered if you had stayed in your comfort zone, under the shadow of other people.

Solo travel will introduce you to a part of yourself that’s more powerful, brave and vibrant. It’s always been there inside of you; it just needed this peculiar kind of awakening.

It will leave you no choice but to socialize.

While this may not be the most convincing reason for introverts, consider solo travel as the perfect way to overcome your fear. Exploring a new place alone provides you with a blank canvas to be whomever you want, without any prejudgment.

For the extroverts, here’s your chance to make tons of new friends. It’s always interesting to observe how those from other cultures see the world. Exchange stories, learn as much as you can, and come home with a wider perspective.

You’ll be comfortable with the uncomfortable.

Activities you would typically do with other people—like dining out, going on tours and even taking photos—will be things you’ll have to do alone. For the last one, harness your selfie skills or be confident to ask strangers to take your tourist photos.

While these activities may feel awkward the first or second time, soon enough, you’ll actually get used to them. And you might actually appreciate the alone time.

You can do what you want, whenever you want.

You are your own boss in your solo trip. No more waiting on people to book tickets (only for most of them to cancel), arguing where to go and what to do, and forgoing what you really want for what pleases the majority. Traveling alone will give you a sense of freedom unlike any other. Be warned—it’s pretty addictive.

Convinced? Thoughts about solo travel? Sound off below!

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Shen Mascariñas travels mainly for the unique food each destination offers and for the "I'm on vacation" free pass to pig out.

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