Amazing Photos of Comet Neowise Lighting the Night Sky as Captured Across the Philippines

It will still be visible for the next few days.
by | July 23, 2020

For the past few weeks, the night sky all around the world has been graced by the sight of a beautiful rare comet blazing across the horizon.

Some Filipino Netizens were lucky enough to witness the once-in-a-lifetime appearance of Comet Neowise. The comet is officially named C/2020 F3 Neowise after it was discovered in March 2020 using a NEOWISE space telescope. It has made its closest approach to the sun in Jul. 3 but only recently was its blaze made visible in Earth’s skies. Comet Neowise was at its closest to Earth in Jul. 23, 2020 making it easily observable to the naked eye.

What makes it special?

It will take another 6,800 or 7,000 years before Comet Neowise returns to our skies, this is why photographers all around the world are in a scramble to capture amazing photos of the rare occurrence.

Comets are made up of ice, rock, and dust and when they orbit closer to the sun, they heat up and start streaming two tails of dust and gas and electrically-charged gas molecules. Comet Neowise’s exceptionally bright burn is what we can see with our naked eye.

The comet is about five kilometers in diameter and is currently 111 million kilometers away from Earth. It is traveling at the speed of 231,000 km/h and as it gets farther from the sun, it cools down and its light dims. After Jul. 23, 2020, it will move back to the outer solar system.

Amazing photos captured by Pinoys

If you weren’t lucky enough to spot Comet Neowise from where you are, fret not. Many Filipinos across the country shared their photos of the amazing phenomenon on social media.

La Union

Photo by Merrill Cliff Dy

San Roque, Northern Samar

Photo by Lino Medrina Khim

Odiongan, Romblon

Photo by Leogiver Mañosca



Photo by Jer Sandel

Legazpi, Albay

Photo by John Cidric Santillan


Libon, Albay

Photo by Ramon Sison

Infanta, Quezon

Photo by Maviel Suaverdez


Antipolo, Rizal

Photo by Dionisio Rodero Bogtae


How to see the comet

Comet Neowise has begun to dim but it’s still possible for you to see it. The ideal time is just after sunset. Orient yourself northwest and look for the Big Dipper. Comet Neowise should be visible at the bottom left corner of the Big Dipper’s Bowl. But remember, it’s best if you get away from the light pollutions of the city and if the night sky isn’t too cloudy.

You can use binoculars and telescopes to help you see clearly but if you don’t have these, you can also download useful apps. SkySafari 6 for iOS and Android can locate the comet easily.

Try spotting Comet Neowise tonight and live your Kimi No Na Wa dreams!

Have you already seen the comet?

Kyzia spends most of her time capturing the world around her through photos, paragraphs, and playlists. She is constantly on the hunt for the perfect chocolate chip cookie, and a great paperback thriller to pair with it.

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