Where Do Broken Hearts Go: Local Destinations for Hurting Millennials

You'll be okay.
by | April 23, 2016

Most millennials will have the same answer to the question—“Where do broken hearts go?” The resounding response of the majority is Sagada. But with the huge success of That Thing Called Tadhana that even spurred tours, you’re likely to bump into your ex there. Are you ready for that?

Solo travel is still great therapy for a broken heart; just forget about Sagada. Jump on the chance to experience a beautiful, new place from your eyes alone, untainted by another’s prejudices and preferences. No more considering another’s wants and needs. You call the shots, you do what you want—whether it’s lounging at the beach all day or revealing your inner adrenaline-junkie.

Here are safe and welcoming destinations for that.

Calaguas Islands, Camarines Norte

Cell signal is a challenge in the gorgeous islands of Calaguas, but that’s a blessing in disguise. You’ll remove the chances of contacting your ex, giving both of you proper space to think and recover. Besides, you’ll forget about your phone as soon as you feel the powder white sand in your toes, cool off with crystal-clear waters and marvel at unspoiled natural wonders. You’ll probably pick up your phone only to take photos, but that won’t do the place justice. The islands’ quiet and peaceful beach scene is just what you need to get away from it all and hear yourself think. You can stay at the well-reviewed Waling-Waling resort, or try your hand at camping.

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A photo posted by Mae Peñas (@mheigh15) on


San Juan, La Union

It’s impossible to feel alone in the friendly surfing grounds of San Juan. The sound of crashing waves is your permanent background music; the locals are your friends in the making; and surfing is a potential new passion. Make the 8-hour bus ride your time of reflection (aka cry fest), but once you hit San Juan, shun away any negativity.

San Juan offers a lot of hip, laidback and safe accommodations for solo travelers. You can stay at Flotsam & Jetsam Artist Beach Hostel or The Circle Hostel. The hammock next to yours or bunk bed above you may be hosting your new best friend. These hostels also hold fun events that are wonderful opportunities for meeting new people. Even San Juan’s surfer instructors and coffee shop baristas will make you feel very, very welcome.

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Batan, Batanes

If an escape is what you’re after, then the country’s northernmost province is where you want to go. Batanes is the smallest and least populated province, which also boasts of almost zero crime rate. The natural beauty of Batanes will leave you at awe, if not heartbroken (again) when it’s time to leave. But at least Batanes will always be there for you to return to, so contemplate no further.

Take a scenic bike tour and explore the rough and hilly landscape in two wheels to get your heart pumping. The majestic scenery surrounding you will get it thumping even faster. Pause to appreciate the dainty lighthouses, unique stone houses and other beauties that seem out of this world. Oh, and don’t forget to interact with the lovely Ivatans.

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A photo posted by Sugar Canto (@asukalcorner) on


Biri Island, Northern Samar

Ever heard of Biri Island? If the answer is a no (like most of us), then your ex probably hasn’t, too. That means this quiet, quaint island is perfect for avoiding people you know. The island is the northernmost province of Visayas and it’s beautifully surrounded by open water where the Pacific Ocean and the San Bernardino Strait meet. Towering rock formations dominate the island, which will amaze not only at first glance. Here you can take a break from the metro’s crowd, pollution and fast pace life.

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A photo posted by Raymund Sagum (@eks_mon) on


Badian, Cebu


What’s stopping you from devouring copious amounts of lechon? Judgment from your ex is definitely off the table. So, indulge on fatty, crispy and tasty Cebu lechon without any ounce of guilt. And after you replace your heartache with a (welcome) food coma, leave Cebu’s city center for Badian’s adventure grounds.

Badian is home to an activity every adrenaline-junkie will love—canyoneering. If you think doing this solo is absurd, think again. You’ll be with fellow adventure-seekers, and canyoneering is the perfect ice breaker. Get ready for trekking rough rocks, braving rivers, squeezing through caves, sliding from natural formations and jumping from cliffs. As the ultimate finale, you’ll be jumping alongside the stunning Kawasan falls. That’s about 35 feet, by the way.

But at the end of it all, when you’ve conquered one hell of an adventure, you’ll think to yourself—“If I can handle that, I can definitely get through this broken heart.”

Any other destinations for solo travelers? How about for broken hearts? Sound off below!


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  • CAMOTES ISLAND, Cebu/ Kalanggaman Island, Leyte / Dumaguete City- perfect places to escape from the city, and of course from your ex. 🙂

    May 3, 2016 at 6:53 pm

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