Wishing I Was Back in Balesin

A peek at one of our most luxurious islands.
by | October 10, 2019

A few years back I had a rare opportunity for a quick overnight stay in the fabled island of Balesin. All I knew about it was it was expensive, super-hard to get into, and frequented by celebrities and businessmen, not for a mere mortal like myself. So I jumped at the chance, hopped on a private flight with my family, and made my way to the island!

It Was Beautiful for ‘Shore’

The island was just as I had imagined. White-sand beaches lined with green palm trees would serve as the welcome wagon upon your arrival. We landed on a small airstrip and was greeted by the staff with cold drinks in their hands made especially for guests. They ushered us into the main hall for a quick rundown of what the island had to offer.

They Spared No Expense at Beauty

A jeepney from the island picked us up and offered us a grand tour of the place. The driver was no other than a cousin of mine! The ride was pleasant and the views were spectacular. Balesin prides itself in setting up ‘areas’ of the island constructed after famous beach or seaside spots around the world. Be it the Greek coast in the Mediterranean or Bali in Indonesia, we had a small sampling of them as we toured around Balesin.

And although the Spanish area was unmistakably eye-catching, my favorite would be the white-washed buildings of the Greek coast. Mykonos indeed!


Dinner by the Sea

We had a packed day driving around the beach in two-wheel Segway scooters, playing ping-pong and basketball at the clubhouse, and even shooting arrows at the archery range! But come nighttime, we were treated to a special dinner by the sea! Fresh seafood was brought into our grand bungalow overlooking the water. There was even a small pond area where you can catch your own tilapia and they will cook it on the spot! (I got 2 out of 5 tries, not bad I think).


Time for Bed and the Morning After

Who wouldn’t want to wake up to this view? Rise from bed and take three steps forward and you will be greeted by the sea breeze and gentle sunshine. No wonder this place is so expensive. Everything is meticulously planned and designed so that it will be worth every peso. We packed our bags and I felt a tinge of sadness as we were about to end our quick overnight trip. Silently I promised, I would find a way to come back to this beautiful island paradise of Balesin,



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