
Pinatubo today.

A fertility festival up north.

Growing up in Siquijor

Trust us, it's worth it!

My heart will Coron.

[article_carousel images=",,,"] Located in the town of Daet, Camarines Norte, Bagasbas is famous for its beach and waves. Aside from being a surfing destination, it is also becoming more and more famous for kiteboarding, paragliding and paramotoring. Aside from these activities, there

There ain't no party like a Bakhawan party.

Anawangin beckons.

[article_carousel images=",,,"] In the T’boli language, the word for “water” and the word for “yes” are the same – el. For “water,” it is pronounced with a short E sound, the lips parted, mouth open, sound flowing outwards.

The methodical tap-tap-tapping of the sticks.

Finding brave in Baler.

  My husband Romy Dorotan and I have been running Purple Yam restaurant in Brooklyn these past few years but I've been going back and forth to the Philippines to research and explore regional food items and tracking down handed-down recipes

[row] [whole buffer=0] [hide_this_text type="subheading"]The Dumaguete Food Scene: Conquer It Like a Pro[/hide_this_text] [dropcap letter="W"]hen I first transferred to Dumaguete, some friends, by way of welcoming me to the City of Gentle People, introduced me to one of the best things and must-dos

[row] [whole buffer=0] [hide_this_text type="subheading"]Obscure White Sand Beaches You Should Check Out This Summer[/hide_this_text] If party-beaching/beach-partying ain't your thing, our friend Estan Cabigas over at made a list of quiet and far away white sand beaches complete with photos and descriptions. Here

[row] [whole buffer="0"] [article_carousel images=""] [hide_this_text type="title"]Baguio Holiday Guide: 8 Ways To Avoid Everyone[/hide_this_text] Alfonso Cuaron once said: “What's the point of being an Australian guy traveling through India if you are going to go to India to meet other Australians?” Now change India